Artists: Submit your own maps at
Twitter: @MakeMaps

Marylebone to Wrexham by Anna Simmons

Anna Simmons' portfolio is filled with incredibly beautiful and accurately detailed maps so it's great to have her work included in the project. At first you may think her artwork isn't strictly map-like, but let her explain...

"It's a (sort of) map in that it's a record of the Wrexham and Shropshire (the nicest, most old-fashioned, punctual train company in the uk) journey back home to Wales. Each frame is a view from the train window as it travels north west up to Wales. It's a work in progress really as I hope to draw more of what I see each time I travel until I have every last crumb of the journey noted down. Like a train anorak type.
North Wales still feels like home to me, even though I am living here in London. One day I will go back but for now, the journey back connects the two places. There is a Welsh word for the feeling of missing Wales 'hiraeth', it has no direct translation but it means a sort of homesickness and longing for Wales or for what is departed."

See Anna's maps at her website here;
Thanks very much Anna!